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“下面,让我们有请秦琥珀带来他的个人作词、作曲的原创作品《Listen to me》,有请!”





“hey man,look at this little boy

he is eighteen years old,height less than meter seven

he must be very cute

he must be very weak

he must take good care of

he must need the protect

hey man,look at his unfeeling eyes

he has a lot of fans,a family richer than others

he must be not kind

he must be not modest

he must have a s/mooth life

he must be the determined winner

you spoke irresponsible in the virtual world

but on this stage,everyone should listen to me!”


“I don't like the eyes you look at me

I don't like the tag you put on me

I don't like the rules you set for me

I don't like the future you plan for me

I don't like!don't like!


I've known the cruelty of the world since I was a child

when I'm alone in a foreign country world

I thought the future is a brightly road

but when I get there,only the endless excises are waiting for me

I thought I would be able to get to the bright,if I practiced hard

but the"wait wait wait"is the only answer word

I have fallen,I have lost,alomst died

lost in the dark

and I have reborn,I have transformed,finally stand up

come to this site

never give up!that's me!

I don't need the beautiful lies to me

I don't need senseless sympathy to me

I don't need the false compliment for me

I don't need the excessive flattery for me

I don't need!don't need!


hey Amber

you are an idol

you should keep silence”


“shut up!

just listen to me!

I don't like the eyes you look at me



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